what are the scientific implications of this?

No.13561930 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The spike protien is an ace2 agonist, ace2 being found in the heart and gonads among other places. Binding to a receptor activates it.
Over stimulation of a receptor can lead to desensitization and inhibit it's function.
This very same process is used in a type of chemical castration that results in the cessation of gonadstropin. In the begining you will see spikes in sex hormones, more testosterone in men and more estrogen in women.

You know what else puts more estrogen in women?
The pill!
Too much estrogen causes female infertility and the cessation of periods.
The exact same side effects women are seeing with the vexx.

Now what happens when all of these ace2 agonist spike proteins accumulate in the ovaries where the ace2 receptors and estrogen production occur?