No.13561698 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've yet to meet the first mathfag who is able to actually understand stuff like signalling pathways, gene expression, speciation/evolution in general, or even fucking cell respiration.
They may understand in terms of "2 of molecule X becomes 1 of molecule Y and 1 of 1 of molecule Z" but otherwise they just draw a blank because their brains are not wired to process the "how" and all the factors that come into play for that reaction to happen.
Don't get me wrong, mathfags are great and can do math things we mere biologists can't even fathom, but boy does it suck when you gotta explain to them how things work when you need their help in developing models/programs.
/sci/ is a pretty blatant proof. The board is dominated by math/physicsfags and they're completely illiterate in biology. Just open any evolution thread and it's just sad.
t. Biofag