No.13561621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/,

It looks like I'll probably need to take the Covid Vaccine in the next few weeks. I'm a burger so it looks like my choices are Pfizer, J&J, or Moderna.I am genuinely worried about ADE, getting sterilized etc from chatter on /pol/ and my distrust of the establishment. Although /pol/ schizos are often right about things they're also kind of retarded so I thought I'd ask you guys because I've asked y'all questions before and you seem like you know what you're talking about.

Simply put, I don't know shit about genetics or biotech. I know that a traditional vaccine uses dead/weakened examples of a virus in order to "teach" your immune system to make the proper antibodies, whereas MRNA is some sort of gene therapy and this is a relatively new/untested technology. I'd just like an overview of the different vaccines, safety, side effects, etc. If anyone has links to studies I'd love those. I know that /sci/ probably has a dozen of these threads every day and I'm sorry for shitting up the board but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and would like some input.