>>13560262I don't get why their attitude is "climate change isn't real" shifting to "okay, it's real but natural so it's cool" instead of "yeah, it's real, so what? jesus is coming back soon enough that it won't matter".
IMO they should be saying "mankind will be punished for our greed, we must repent and fix things", but they're rarely the "salvation through works" types.
>I understand evolution denial and flat earth from their perspectiveThe flat earth thing isn't what it seems IMO. I knew a young-earth creationist who once brought it up unironically, and it feels like some of these things are more ways to keep "the flock" from getting too cozy with the outsiders. It also works to help get rid of the doubters. Some of these churches can be very cultish.
Proclaim a (relatively harmless) belief that a large portion of the population thinks is retarded, but back it up in an unfalsifiable way, and you've got a recipe for division where the outgroup locks your followers in. It's something we could fight, but it would require convincing Reddit-tier minds there's more to life than being technically correct.