Can sci solve the drug problem?

No.13553731 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My cousin just died from a fentanyl laced pill and it made me realize all drugs should be legal and their sales taxed.
Users would actually know what they are getting and it would be cheaper so they wouldn’t have to steal and do junkie shit to get their drugs. The taxes could go to therapy for addicts and cleaning up cities.
>just don’t do drugs duh
Humans love drugs, it’s not a secret. We’ve been doing drugs recreationally as a species for thousands and thousands of years.
The problem is that the current healthcare giants cannot allow this. If people can go get their own pain meds at the corner store why would they go to a doctor to get them?
How would we balance this power struggle? I need help sci I don’t have the experience to try and solve an entire infrastructure problem like this. I know what would be best for the people but I don’t know how to make it work for the healthcare system.

Obligatory RIP cuz