>>13551234bruh, I am reading through his texts and explanations
>not academicist, no more education more than a bachelor>programmer, with a degree in linguisticsgoes into fucking genetics and IQ, but doesn't give correct explanations for phenomena (inb4 retards argue, logic=|= correct, you can have a fully logic mathematical proof, yet it can be absolutely incorrect) but seemingly logic, and tends to draw sources from weird stuff (OKCupid study, sourcing some examples from fucking r/hapa)
Why is this guy revered as the savior of science, there are many fucking scientists who are doing rigourous, correct analysis of phenomena without outward political bias (towards the alt-right for sure, even if he "refuses" it) (inb4 all academia marxist retards answer. no, it isn't, there are many currents in an area of study, and marxist ideas are always challenged, as an example I give study of early hunter-gatherers where Hobbeian ideas triumph over Rousseain ones).
I am open to someone proving me wrong, but I don't seem to understand the hype around him.