>>13551338it's pretty bad, but it's not hopeless.
we are in the middle of one of the most divisive times politically in this nation's history.
a lot of people are still very bitter.
browbeating them will only breed resentment and make the situation work.
if we want to actually solve this problem then we need to recognize this and treat the situation delicately.
vaccination shouldn't be political but thats what it has become.
I blame the CDC for this after their garbage messaging around the floyd riots last year.
but that doesn't matter now.
this problem is solvable, but it means suppressing our egos and approaching people with respect and humility, regardless of their politics.
we need to recognize that the virus is beyond any other political considerations.
this means being polite and considerate, even to people you may actually hate.
I say this as someone who is on the right politically, and up until very recently was anti-vax.
I still have concerns about the vax, as should everyone, but I decided to get it because I saw a good thread on /pol/ where the known information about the vax and delta were presented in a respectful way and I decided for myself that it makes sense to get the vax.
there is definitely risk involved with the vax, but there is also risk involved with not getting it.
I was able to conclude based on the available information that the best option for me personally was to get it.
if I can change my mind then 99% of people can be convinced to get it