Enumeration of staggered conformers of alkanes

No.13547834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Buckle up chemists and computer nerds
ITT: anons try to find or rewrite the program to enumarate non-overlapped staggered conformers of alkanes

This paper from 1998 tells a story of a madman called S.J. Cyvin and how he managed ennumarate alkanes, including non-overlapping ones- the important part. Sadly he is dead now, and I don't know how to reach someone who knew him and ask for the diskette with the said program. You need to either find an algebraic solution for the non-overlapping systems (almost impossible) or find/rewrite the source code. Good luck.
Said paper: "Enumeration of staggered conformers of alkanes and monocyclic cycloalkanes"
poorfags use sci-hub [dot] se to pirate papers