No.13547534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This might be the worst place to ask this but
I wanted to ask if anyone knew any useful
things they would either tell themselves
or wish they knew when doing a STEM
degree in college. I am about to head out
and graduate with a Chemistry major
this coming year but have little to none
job experience in my field because I just
started getting it this semester in a research
lab and I feel completely drained at this point.
Idk if it's because I am burnt out, workaholic,
or because my job and gf have become more
of a burden rather than help. Ive been in
college forever like probably 7 years but that's
because I had to work on the side. So I wanted to know if anyone here had any
helpful advice just to avoid sinking into
depression and actually finishing what I've
>in b4 just power through
>just one more year
> or just finish
I am utterly beyond drained.