>>13541575>You really have to be retarded to not see the use of a humanoid robotThe only use for a humanoid robot would be on activites that require the robot to simulate some level of emotional connection or empathy - Elderly care, sex bots, customer service, a help desk for tourists, etc. And we are very far from creating a robot that could achieve that level of interaction, let alone pass the uncanny valley.
For the immediate future, what we do need urgently, is robots that could replace "repetitive or dangerous tasks" and increase productivity - More advanced roombas to clean your home, robots to boost industrial manufacturing, nanorobotics for the healthcare industry, improvements on robots that can defuse bombs or mines, robots that can rescue people from fires or floods. All of that shit is much more attainable and useful than this scam.
>that was designed for humans, by humans>literally repeating the corporate sloganHoly shit I think you still have some of Elon's cum on the corner of your mouth