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What should have been done instead of the fiasco that governments all over the world pulled was isolating the elderly and those most at risk, while not imposing any restrictions on everyone else. Governments did the complete opposite. They isolated everyone. In times of pandemics, healthy people should move around "as normal" because well, they're healthy. There is no need for them to be locked in their homes. Healthy people will get infected, but guess what? They'll survive and develop antibodies, and over time, natural immunity, and by extension, herd immunity. This is the most classic way to beat this thing. Instead, health "experts", who are actually experts in bureaucracy, were worshipped as gods and they were able to dictate how we should live.
One year and a half wasted sitting at home. Gyms were closed, which is the most retarded thing I've heard.
And you people still blindly follow them. They first said that no vaccine pass will be needed. Then they said that you need the vaccine pass to go from your home to your local market. Then they said you need the vaccine to travel outside the country. If you don't have the vaccine, you're kicked out.
How abhorrent.