>>13531927good like doing that with areas with constant <20% humidity where amount of water is likely of the most concern.
it's probably best used as a way to supplement an existing water supply.
Greening areas to create more transpiration is likely a better long-term fix. More transpiration means an increase in humidity in the immediate area. Essentially the idea is that you could create a feedback loop of planting trees to create more rainfall. I bet if you combined this with cloud seeding you cloud increase the rainbow by a significant amount. Cloud seeding alone can have an impact of 30% increased rainfall, but for low rainfall regions this is negligible. If you could increase the average rainfall first through greening up a region, then you could increase the impact of cloud s(n)eeding.
I think this was the idea behind Israel using eucalyptus trees everywhere.
They grow fast, have great leaf coverage, and are useful for woodchips, their oil or hard timber.