Everything is comprised of non-existent references and then an arbitrary parallelism.
I've come to the realization that there is no precedence, distinction, priority, etc. in existence.
Ok so imagine a zero space, and in this space there is a point now within the same space we draw another point, the space between these two don't exist, as we know 0 + 0 = 0.
So within a zero space there are an infinite amount of infinite directions. We take one direction of the point and store an imaginary reference to the other point. I call this the C operator for Conjoin. and then I have the inverse that undoes it. Then I can use those to make the B, Bijection, operator that inserts points in-between a reference.
Now via arbitrary operations and what not I can develop further.
Using the BI, Bijection operator I can insert point for some number of times along the right.
P-P-P-P-...-P now I can use this analog as a parallelism to natural numbers as and then develop arithmetic and what not.
Then I can use the Hitomi Analysis and the indiscriminate infinity to set a unit basis for reals.
And so on.
I've come to the realization that there is no precedence, distinction, priority, etc. in existence.
Ok so imagine a zero space, and in this space there is a point now within the same space we draw another point, the space between these two don't exist, as we know 0 + 0 = 0.
So within a zero space there are an infinite amount of infinite directions. We take one direction of the point and store an imaginary reference to the other point. I call this the C operator for Conjoin. and then I have the inverse that undoes it. Then I can use those to make the B, Bijection, operator that inserts points in-between a reference.
Now via arbitrary operations and what not I can develop further.
Using the BI, Bijection operator I can insert point for some number of times along the right.
P-P-P-P-...-P now I can use this analog as a parallelism to natural numbers as and then develop arithmetic and what not.
Then I can use the Hitomi Analysis and the indiscriminate infinity to set a unit basis for reals.
And so on.