“Settled” Science

No.13529952 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sorry not sorry but if you are going to get into this science thing you are going to have to constantly defend your thesis ad naseum. Yes, that includes defending it against schizo’s and laymen. If a bunch of ignorant riff raff make you clutch your pearls then you either don’t have enough evidence or you straight up don’t understand. Having contrarians for the sake of contrarianism is part of the process, even in real deal scientific communities, having devils advocates is a vital part of the process because if someone wants to support a narrative then all they have to do is torture the data until it says whatever they want it to say. I’ve literally done this myself when creating white papers at my company because I wanted funding for this and that project and I know other people do it too because we catch each other doing it.

Nothing should trigger your scrutiny detector more than when someone says “the data shows”.

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