>>13529627> Godwin in 0I don't give a hairy rat's ass if you take the free vaccine or not. If you don't want the vaccine, if you think Big Pharma is conspiring to make your dick fall off, or if you're just too fucking lazy to leave your basement, it's all the same to me.
What grinds my coffee beans is the hypocrisy. Coomers act so cool bro flipping off the system, yet beg outside the ICU for a bed at the first sign of sniffles. Christcucks that have been trying to outlaw abortion for 50 years are suddenly Gloria fucking Steinham with their "My body my choice" bullshit
If you don't want the vaccine, fine. But when you or your kid starts choking on your own snot, please have the common courtesy to stay at home and die. Stop taking up valuable ambulance time away from those that need it.