!!ujqPq/OqEFH No.13529446 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Particles do not cross the event horizon.

The event horizon is null and thus excludes massive particles from existing there.

Time dilation for reaching the event horizon is infinite.

A world line which crosses the event horizon is a violation of relativity.

Coordinate transformations do not change the form of the physics, thus the event horizon is always null.

The interior of the black hole has more volume than a two sphere of the same radius in flat space which indicates that the interior is negatively curved.

Being positively curved on the outside and negatively curved on the inside the spacetime inverts below the event horizon.

The Schwarzschild metric is spherically symmetrical. If a spherical geometry is inverted it produces a pseudosphere which shares the same geometry as a black hole: perimeter coordinate singularity, central physical singularity. However, being one dimension greater the black hole perimeter is spherical, not circular.

The black hole interior is a white hole. Gravity on this surface is repulsive.

As particles fall into the black hole they gain energy becoming black hole like themselves.

This behavior means that the black hole is not a single horizon with a central singularity but a material object composed of a relativistic form of matter known as Asymptotic Darkness.

Asymptotic darkness may form Einstein-Rosen bridges with distant black holes. This explains black hole spin alignment in clusters and the dark matter phenomenon as the extrinsic curvature affects our universe.