>>13528692Calling it an anti Vaxxer cause is low IQ.
I'm ex military and I've had multiple doses of every jab under the sun.
Why we would treat this any different to a flu vax available at the pharmacy for old people or people who are at risk.. I have no idea.. the figures are very clear.. if you're not 82, you have a 99.8 percent chance of surviving this 'pandemic'
Any vaccination mandated at gunpoint by governments abusing their powers under the health act is insanity. Holding your freedoms, employment, life... At arm's length until you get the good boy jab is absolutely insane.
In Australia 1700 people died from the flu and nobody batt an eyelid.
Covid has killed about 1250.. over two years.. with 37 recorded flu deaths... And we're locked inside the house for months on end.
Don't give up your life to give a handful of old people a few extra months to live. They are free to get the vaccination.. while young and healthy people go about their lives.
Government overreach is the problem. Not 'muh conspiracy anti vax morons'
Grow up.