So, as we all know, it's impossible to know what's inside a black hole without going in there. Due to the fact that no information can escape it, then any explorers or robots who peek inside won't be able to share the findings with scientists back home. The only way for that knowledge to be assimilated by our race is if THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE went inside the black hole together. Then, scientists would know the secrets of what's inside the black hole.
Right now that does not seem worth the risk, it seems rather extreme, but think about how we will feel in another 2000-5000 years. When physics is completely solved, gravity is unified, and we know everything, eventually we will come to a time when the only thing we don't know is what goes on inside a black hole. It will be, quite literally, the sole remaining final frontier for man's curiosity. Thus, it is practically guaranteed that we will eventually put all of humanity onto an artificial planet and fly it into a black hole.
This also explains where all the aliens are. Any species that achieves intergalactic travel, and solves physics, is bound to purposely fly itself into a black hole.
Right now that does not seem worth the risk, it seems rather extreme, but think about how we will feel in another 2000-5000 years. When physics is completely solved, gravity is unified, and we know everything, eventually we will come to a time when the only thing we don't know is what goes on inside a black hole. It will be, quite literally, the sole remaining final frontier for man's curiosity. Thus, it is practically guaranteed that we will eventually put all of humanity onto an artificial planet and fly it into a black hole.
This also explains where all the aliens are. Any species that achieves intergalactic travel, and solves physics, is bound to purposely fly itself into a black hole.