Hawking Radiation is COMPLETE bullshit

No.13523842 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i have no higher education whatsoever, but i don't need it to tell you that steven hawking was full of shit.
what is hawking radiation?
hawking radiation is the theory that the separation of particles and antiparticles at the event horizon somehow decreases the matter INSIDE a black hole.
if the reason this is ridiculous doesn't slap you in the face right off the bat then perhaps i'm just retarded. because last time i checked, NOTHING gets out of a black hole. it's a one way trip past the horizon, doesn't matter if some antiparticles escape. once it's past the event horizon it never returns, not at the speed of light or even by some quantum leapfrogging nonsense.
not only does nothing escape, but as matter approaches the singularity time (remember which is not a dimension perse but a quality of space that influences the rate of events) literally approaches a rate of zero, and so all the energy and mass is completely frozen in time further removing the possibility of "evaporation"

how the fuck do people believe this shit? i'm a complete fucking idiot and i can see it's horseshit