>>13523440giving good foundation to your children as opposed to leaving them to fend for themselves improves their chances of success.
and posting this on /4/chan is a bit odd, considering every thread includes jewish nepotism somewhere.
this idea only works, if the community works for the benefit of the community. in practice, anything beyond a family unit is harder to manage without blood relations or external enemy, and anything beyond a small village needs at least a religion (such as communism, for instance) to keep it together for a short period.
problem is, there will always be individuals with slightly different beliefs trying to steer the idea of what is best for the community. nepotism will kick in, because this improves odds within a community that has grown beyong a few families, allowing genetic material with nepotistic tendencies to spread better than the one without.
if the power is fully decentralised, such that nepotism doesn't yield much, or even any reward, then any sized community can prosper.
in theory.
because there will always be decisions where someone gets hurt more than someone else for the good of the community. and the genetic material that is capable of choosing their offspring in an unbiassed fashion, will always lose to genetic material that is capable of giving preferential treatment to their own offspring at minimal expense.
but then, a large mass of individuals only needs their individuals to sacrifice a little bit to completely overwhelm any small entity, no matter how superior, or self-sacrificing their individuals are.
so, basically, human history is doomed to go through booms and busts forever.