Let's say you have a positive integer expressed in a positive integer base . You desire to test if , another positive integer, divides . Well, if divides , then then, if the number, expressed in base has a last digit which is divisible by c (mod c = 0), then divides .
How is this useful? Dunno. It can be used for super large numbers, and I think it can also be used recursively, though. Maybe it's trivial to you, but just thought it would be fun to share. People rarely ever count in other bases, and I feel there's untapped potential for mathematics there.
How is this useful? Dunno. It can be used for super large numbers, and I think it can also be used recursively, though. Maybe it's trivial to you, but just thought it would be fun to share. People rarely ever count in other bases, and I feel there's untapped potential for mathematics there.