Can we get a sticky or even a board created called /vax/?

No.13518456 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The other day I counted 49 threads on /pol/ alone. The Vax crowd contaminate other boards as well such as /sci/,/his/, and /Biz/.

If there's no thread then you go into other threads to be off topic to discuss covid & vaccinations to larp about issues such as being forced by your work place to get the Vaccination when there are 5 active threads during any given time that talk about being forced to get a Vax.

Can we please get a sticky that refreshes it self after 1000 posts? We can barely talk about issues such as who should be the 2024 candidate without have those threads get bumped off the catalog after 5 minutes due to all of this spam.

Hey, if you need your own dedicated board like /mlp/ for covid then I support the creation of /vax/.

If you're going to tell me to fuck off,then please explain why do you need what's likely 60-70 threads across all of 4chan while you insult me. You've spread the discussion so thin that it's nearly impossible to keep track of the information.