Everyone, except retards and schizos, realizes that
"axioms", "logic" and "deduction" drive maths towards a
dead end. Mathematicians pull meaningless axioms out of
their asses and demand that we ordinary people fall to
our knees with tears of happiness spraying out the eyes.
Example: "x + 0 = x holds for every real number x"
is supposedly an "axiom". Obviously it is meaningless,
since, how can you even know that? Did they check every
real number x, and do you realize how many there are?
Where is the article in Scientific American that says
that this has been checked for all reals?
Some /sci-bro needs to file application for a grant
with aim to actually check all real numbers. Get time on
one of the supercomputers at MIT if you must. Obviously
the mathematicians would hate it. If we discover a real
number x different from x+0, their whole flimsy web of
nonsense crumbles like a proverbial Florida condominium.
This is what Norman is really saying. He has hundreds of
videos on youtube saying it, and do not forget, there
is safety in numbers, he must be right.
Mathematicians may not even be the worst.
Physicists claim "every electron is a lepton".
How can they know that? There is a helluva lot of
electrons in the universe, did they check each one?
Get out your microscopes bros. Once we find a bosonic
electron, we can kiss goodbye to the nonsense which
is modern physics.
Or biology. "Every ant is a hymenoptera". Bollocks.
Did they send inspectors out to check each ant in your
kitchen using ant-sizes gynecological instruments, anon?
I thought not. There is a huge number of ants on the
earth, and it is impossible to make sure for every one
how it is still put together down there. Especially
since you get ant juice in the eyes and it stings.
I tried.
And the list goes on. The state of modern science
is disastrous. We need to work together to rescue as
much as we can from this sad pile of rubble.
"axioms", "logic" and "deduction" drive maths towards a
dead end. Mathematicians pull meaningless axioms out of
their asses and demand that we ordinary people fall to
our knees with tears of happiness spraying out the eyes.
Example: "x + 0 = x holds for every real number x"
is supposedly an "axiom". Obviously it is meaningless,
since, how can you even know that? Did they check every
real number x, and do you realize how many there are?
Where is the article in Scientific American that says
that this has been checked for all reals?
Some /sci-bro needs to file application for a grant
with aim to actually check all real numbers. Get time on
one of the supercomputers at MIT if you must. Obviously
the mathematicians would hate it. If we discover a real
number x different from x+0, their whole flimsy web of
nonsense crumbles like a proverbial Florida condominium.
This is what Norman is really saying. He has hundreds of
videos on youtube saying it, and do not forget, there
is safety in numbers, he must be right.
Mathematicians may not even be the worst.
Physicists claim "every electron is a lepton".
How can they know that? There is a helluva lot of
electrons in the universe, did they check each one?
Get out your microscopes bros. Once we find a bosonic
electron, we can kiss goodbye to the nonsense which
is modern physics.
Or biology. "Every ant is a hymenoptera". Bollocks.
Did they send inspectors out to check each ant in your
kitchen using ant-sizes gynecological instruments, anon?
I thought not. There is a huge number of ants on the
earth, and it is impossible to make sure for every one
how it is still put together down there. Especially
since you get ant juice in the eyes and it stings.
I tried.
And the list goes on. The state of modern science
is disastrous. We need to work together to rescue as
much as we can from this sad pile of rubble.