>>13516841I've been in the ER 3 times in the last 3 months, I have been sick almost nonstop this entire time. I cant seem to go more than 14 days without getting sick again. Although the first time was by far the worst. The weird thing is it happens so suddenly, I will be feeling perfectly normal and suddenly get hit with many symptoms all at once: headache, difficulty breathing, sharp chest pains. I dont know if its covid related or something else, but either way its seriously decreased my quality of life.
What really gets to me is that I know of no one else who has had a similar experience. Everyone I talk to got it and fought it off or didnt even have any symptoms. Many are people who interact with lots of people and take no caution and yet they never get sick, but I seem to keep being sick every few days. I'm hoping it's just some weird psychosomatic thing and not an actual health issue.