transhumanism/conciousness studies and cosmology is driving my insane

No.13513543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
this post will be a bit messy,ill make a list of the stuff im reading now and explain why im losing my sanity.
>block universe, eternal inflation(multiverses),poincare recurrence implies eternal repetition, open and empty individualism, phsycalism implies eternalism and panphsycism.,

>Insect sentience,bacterial humanity,microscropic beings sentience,hedonistic imperative, negative utilatarianism,effective altruis, anti-natalism

now, i know these things can be true all at the same time, but at least couple must be true.Am I quantum immortal?is conciousness eternal? is there any eternal oblivion after death?is it temporary,after which ill be botlzmnnian-ly immortal?