Studying causes hair-loss

No.13509074 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Or at least, bald people are better learners.

Here is the evidence:
>"Brain-derived nerve factor and neurotrophins in androgenetic alopecia"
>Balding and nonbalding scalp specimens were collected from four men with pattern
>Brain-derived nerve factor (BDNF) protein expression was upregulated by approximately 12-fold in supernatants obtained from balding as compared with nonbalding DP cells
>Expression of neurotrophin-3 and of ?-nerve growth factor was also upregulated. >On the other hand, protein expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 and its binding proteins as well as of the vascular endothelial growth factor family were significantly downregulated in the balding scalp.
>"Brain growth linked to baldness"
>Their earlier research showed that when mice lost hair, there was a high concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) around their follicles.
>For the new study, the team genetically-engineered mice to produce excess quantities of both the factors.
>They found that the mice shed their hair abnormally early.
>In mice engineered to produce neither factor, hair took longer than normal to fall out.

There is more research, but all the more telling is that, Semax, a popular Russian drug among the nootropic community, which artificially increases BDNF substantially, is noted to cause hairloss in people with no previous problems with hair loss.
Many such cases.