>>13504799Its the best piece of quantitative human measure the social sciences / psychology has producted PERIOD. It's correlated with all sorts of relevant life outcomes such as Job Performance / Salary / Poverty / Health / Academic Performance and a meraid of other interesting / relevant life outcomes, which UNDENIABLY proves its worth as a measure and its real existance, as you can predict things with it reliably, and, like I said, the best way a social scientist can manage with any other variable such as personality and such. Further cementing its credibility it has many reliable correlates with neurological Measures such as reaction time, nerve conductivity (somewhat the same as reaction time) and even brain volume adjusted to body size, which prove the material basis of IQ.
Why this is NOT common knowledge in the main part is its uncanny good predictability of things and the race and IQ issue, which absolutely noone will talk about as its undermines many arguments for egalitarianism extremely effectively, so denial of IQ is more comfortable. But make absolutely no mistake about it, IQ is real and can, as best as humanity can manage right now, predict many essential life outcomes as good as no measure can.
What IQ is in a basic sense is the ability to abstract and manipulate abstractions.
Specific measures of such can be generated by asking the person a random set of abstract questions, really any question, that requires the manipulation of abstractions, be it knowledge based question, like the capital of italy, oir math questions, like the square route of 8, or visual / spacial questions, like when shown object has this shape and is rotated 3 times, how does the object look ( with images as choosable answers) or language based questions, like what the opposite of a Daytime.