Plasma and blood donation

No.13503747 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Asking medfags and others as well:
How safe plasma and blood donations are? So far i understand that plasma is in blood and that gets separated by the machine while the rest of the blood is pumped back in.
Plasma(blood as a whole as well) seems to contain lots of precious things the body needs which is extracted in the process thus there is less essential liquid in your body.Sure it gets regenerated but wouldn't this put more stress on your organs to make up for the inbalance thus shortening the lifespan of them also cause some hormonal problems due to less plasma - and with that hormones - in your body? Are there non-disclosed side effects of donating long term? My grug logic would say extracting essential fluids out of your body would cause problems but i'm not well equipped with info regarding this.
Any info is appreciated.