>Does /sci/ like logic puzzles?
>image answer
[spoiler:lit]July 16th[/spoiler:lit]
[spoiler:lit]1) Realize that Albert was given month, Bernard was given day because May and June have dates unique to them (19th and 18th respectively). Thus it has to be July/August for Albert to be confident Bernard doesnt know.[/spoiler:lit]
[spoiler:lit]2) Bernard now knows what month(s) it isnt so and concludes what month it is, giving him the date. This means that it cant be the 14th, as he would still have no way of knowing between July and August if it was. Having already been told the day (16th) and May being eliminated he now knows[/spoiler:lit]
[spoiler:lit]3) Already knowing its July, and Bernard affirming its not the 14th, Bernard now also knows the date. Had it been August, Bernard still would have no way of knowing between the 15th and 17th at this point. For statement 3 to be true, it has to be July.[/spoiler:lit]