No.13498996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is what spacetime inside of a non-rotating uncharged spherical black hole looks like:

Pic related is the graphical representation of the metric above.

I find it mindblowing how this is an actual physical object as it has been confirmed to exist through indirect observation. I mean there is a clear mathematical singularity at r=0 and since once again this is a physical object it must mean that this mathematical anomaly has an actual physical representation somehow.

Sometimes in physics we get weird mathematical solutions that have no physical significance and thus we usually discard them, this doesn't the case here, however.

Would it be acceptable to suppose that spacetime curves infinitely towards the black hole's mass thus anything that goes through the event horizon never reaches the actual singularity but keeps falling for as long as the universe exists kinda like a penrose stairs where you can never reach the top/bottom?