Can someone help me find a direction?

No.13498683 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Mechanical Engineering bachelors.
>I enjoy mathematics and always have, in hindsight maybe should have done instead.
>I am in embedded software at the moment just because of money here in the UK and easy to get into, but it's just all airplane and jet engines.

I feel like I don't make much impact and would really like to make a 'good' impact in the world and work a job where I feel content with what I do. Perhaps in power generation or climate memes?

I would also like to move to something more 'math' but not sure how or what. I'd like to become less of a retard in my free time and it seems that I can't just read a textbook anymore? I feel directionless with learning outside of work desu.

Can anyone share anything useful? I feel like I picked the wrong degree.