Normies beware

No.13498229 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Autism" is a higher level of existence. The next step in evolution. Every autism awareness group employs propaganda (such as pic related) which convinces neurotypicals that they're autistic and deserve special treatment; while holding back actual "autistic" people by saying they're disabled and oppressed. Smart normies (the ruling class) know this. Others (the vast majority) then correlate "autism" with inferiority, when in fact it is superiority.

>Many interests
>High intelligence
>Either emotionless or ultra-empathetic
>Strong sense of objectivity
If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to other people.

The pigeonholeing of "autistic" people is a ploy to hold back human evolution. Why else would things like electric shock therapy exist? It's to threaten and even kill the superior population.

Autism isn't real. But something is, and the smart normies call it autism. Again- If "autistic" people are real then they are far superior to everyone else. Most normies would be jealous if they knew the truth. So the smart ones among them lie.