1. Solar farm.
2. Air miner (CO2, nitrogen, H2O).
3. Water miner (Rodwell? Geothermal artesian source?).
4. Rock miner(s) (aggregate and ore).
5. Fuel plant (CH4 + O2 in unlimited quantities).
6. Life support (interior air miner).
7. Heavy machinery telerobotics.
8. Pressure structures. Pressure tents (manufacturing, deployment, maintenance).
9. Surface activity suits.
1. Agriculture
2. Chemical synthesis (plastics, lubricants, fertilizers, drugs, adhesives, fuels, …)
3. Protofab
4. Fundamental research
5. Metal refining
6. Fabricated metal
7. Machinery
8. Vehicles
9. Furnishings
10. Textiles
11. Electronics
12. Forestry (why not!)
Jesus Mars sounds booring, much rather explore space with a Starship desu