>>13496054>how do they spin?Miracles, right? I would say "because of the Larmor frequency" but that also doesn't explain why that causes them to "spin", that simply describes them and what they do again.
>>13495436>Why won't they just say so?Because it would mean they're quantifying what they don't even know has quantity which would upset the world which funds them to commit gamblers fallacy.
>It seems like the entire area of physics has been declared virtually "occult" and "off-limits" to the public and to private individuals and that certain areas of science have been "screened" or scrambled to eliminate references to or confuse us about magnets and gravity.Nope. They genuinely don't know how magnets or gravity works. But they do know how to accurately and sophisticatedly describe them.
>Is it possible that the actual science involved in these things has heen replaced with bullshit You can replace a flawed foundation with another one, it still doesn't mean you once had house worth buying nor did you add any value to it afterwards.
>so that only the "elite' know the truth and we keep paying our electricity bills?Despite not knowing how they work, magnets are still responsible for the manifestation of what you call "electricity"( a hertzian waveform). Perhaps there are non-hertzian systems that could be used? It certainly doesn't help that no one would know of those because our entire electrical grid/electrical system is hertzian based and so engineers and scientists alike are only familiar with them.