>>13493204Well I'm not into programming but I know many who are and they don't seem all that bothered
A lot of them make quite good money from it, they say that as dysphoric teenagers they were mostly on their computer and so they naturally developed an interest in computers and programming and then they'll accuse you of being a misogynist who thinks women should only be stupid and not make money
Personally I'm anguished by my interests and hobbies, it makes me feel extremely malebrained for having a passion for military and naval history and wargaming, I've become so pathetic that I broke down into tears when I found one woman with a similar interest as mine cause it felt like I wasn't alone in being like this (even though statistically 99.999% of women probably aren't)
There's also the fact that Blanchard's typology and the work surrounded it was obsessed with the careers that trans women got into, it was used in a lot of rhetoric to call trans women who were programmers or engineers or scientists autogynephiles as opposed to true trans women i.e HSTS who were into makeup, prostitution and hairdressing, etc