>>13489426It says a lot that people who say they won't get their vaccine because they've done their "research" can't list papers that support their conclusions. Common excuses I've seen:
>Vaccines aren't effectiveAny covid vaccine are better than no covid vaccines. They might not be 100% effective, but nothing is 100% effective
>Vaccines haven't been FDA approvedNeither are essential oils, pills in the club and quite a lot of other things that we eat on the regular. Also, the same vaccine has been approved around the world.
>Vaccines may have side effectsEverything has side effects. Even stuff like alcohol has an unwanted side effect of increased propensity to liver cancer, and yet nobody mentions that
>The body has natural immune responseA vaccine doesn't override that. It's not steroids and testosterone. The vaccine triggers the body to respond, which is like training for a marathon by running a marathon.
>Covid isn't that fatalEven if the mortality rate of coronavirus is 1%, the mortality rate of the vaccine is much less than that, and nobody mentions the impacts of long Covid - Having covid increases the likelihood of long Covid, to say the least. You aren't coming out of covid doing an Irish jig - chances are, you'll suffer.
What I've found is that the people who refuse to get the vaccine are either silly, scared, selfish or a combination. Find out what they are and talk accordingly.