Id say being cut makes it a bit better. The decrease in sensitivity people talk about all the time is complete nonsense, it doesn't exist or it is negligible at best. Saying "hurr durr less nerves means less pleasure dude" shows a pretty severe lack of common sense. Do men with smaller dicks or less foreskin who have less nerve endings have less quality sex? Are their dicks less sensitive? Obviously not, only a retard would think so. Do cutfags have less sensitivity? Not really, at least no single study has ever demonstrated so. What has been shown is that getting circumcised means lasting longer and a temporary increase in sensitivity. It also means less STDs and better hygiene (on average, exceptions happen) as well as a having nicer looking dick. One thing is that your dick will become nasty looking if you dont take care of it due to calcification (what retards refer to "drying"), but this is not permanent and is on you really. A dry dick in a circumcised man is like smegma in an uncircumcised men, not an issue unless you're retarded.
Bottom line is that circumcision prevents issues of phimosis, it prevents issues of tight frenulum (such as a deformed cock or literally tearing it and bleeding all over the place during sex), it reduces STDs, it ensures good hygiene, it makes your dick look better, it makes you last longer in bed. Only an idiot or some western leftie basedboy would not get their child circumcised.
The only downside is you need lube. But lube makes sex better, so how is that a downside anyways?