!!ujqPq/OqEFH No.13486007 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Debating with coordinate transformations must have triggered someone last time. I'm back from a ban.

Super serious, honest science and math discussion here.

Our black hole model is wrong because it presumes particles can enter and pass the event horizon. They cannot. The event horizon is a null surface and thus cannot contain massive particles, worldlines or null geodesics.

The null surface of the event horizon is a null surface in all coordinate systems.

No coordinate transformations can change this mathematical physical fact. I will not discuss the non sequitur of coordinate transformations anymore.

The upshot of all this is Asymptotic Darkness. This is the physical material of black holes and it is more like ultradense mass that produces white holes. These white holes can be stabilized by forming Einstein-Rosen bridges with other black holes. In our universe this produces common spin between distant supermassive black holes, and the dark matter phenomenon.