>>13485364The one you pictured wants praise. He wishes that others may congratulate him and he hopes that, in their congratulation, he will find the sense of self worth that he still feels he ought to have gained with his wealth. He is an empty man with an empty heart who hopes to gain some measure of immortality. He is a man doomed to obscurity who, like the petulant child, demands the attention of sires who have forgotten him before the echo of his bleating has faded. He does not want outer space. He wants to crow a superiority that he lacks. Second of the rich to space and soon forgotten. Never truly a match for Elon Musk and destined to be forgotten as half of his public name has already been, here. Jeff we call him because no one can be bothered to remember the name of his father.
Let a screen cap of this be taken and sent to him so that he may know that his wealth will never add value to his empty soul.