I'm very, very interested in the potential of genetic engineering applied to humans, i was always first in class, can study 60 hours a week (breaks not included) without suffering burnout and i've always found human biology fascinating, so i'm confident i can do pretty good there, but what is the best way to get in that field? All my skills are self taught and i don't live in the USA so i have 0 experience with colleges or universities.
Is academia really just a trap that breeds mediocrity? It sure seems that way
And does being black and bisexual give me enough "woke points" to blend in with leftists, to not get "caught" and harassed and have my career ruined for being conservative? I'm not gonna reveal my power level but i probably won't be able to make genuine friends with anyone there and putting on an act constantly might get tiring and make a few slips happen and they might realize something is "off" about me
Is academia really just a trap that breeds mediocrity? It sure seems that way
And does being black and bisexual give me enough "woke points" to blend in with leftists, to not get "caught" and harassed and have my career ruined for being conservative? I'm not gonna reveal my power level but i probably won't be able to make genuine friends with anyone there and putting on an act constantly might get tiring and make a few slips happen and they might realize something is "off" about me