Why is science trying to ‘beat’ death

No.13480363 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why should we concern ourselves with global warming? And why are people so concerned about colonizing the universe and other planets and survival of our species or even anything alive at all?
I see a lot of people with the idea in their head that life on this planet and in the universe can or ought to exist for as long as possible or forever.
Life always comes to an end in the micro scale every individual life will end so on that basis it must be true that the cycle of life and death must one day end too.
If we don’t kill our planet then the sun will eventually, and if we did escape this planet (which seems unlikely) then eventually the heat death of the entire universe would end our species.
Maybe the reason we haven’t found life or intelligent life throughout the universe is that where other life arose they found out that it’s all futile and pointless and not worth preserving anyway.
And why should life be interested in continuing is it in our best interests? What do we get for existing? We get to suffer inflict suffering on other beings devour destroy and die.
The real best and most moral final solution is destruction of all life on earth.
Life feeds on itself it’s a disgusting violent process of recycling and punishing our own and it must be stopped. Life feeds on and is always at war with itself and worse the pain of the devoured is always greater then the pleasure of the devourer so we are always in a constant relationship of pain and terror with ourselves and other beings.
Would making earth totally unviable for life be the one morally correct thing we could do as a species? So that everything could return to its base inanimate components and exist in blissful unawareness.