No.13476165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's over.
My career is over.
A few months ago a classmate contacted me through whastapp during a final exam (I had already submitted mine through email) she wanted a copy of my answers because she didn't have enough time to study. I'm a charitative soul so I sent her the word file with my answers. there were about 20mins left, so she had plenty of time to rewrite all the answers.
But she didn't.
She simply attached the file I sent her to an email and sent it to the professors. She didn't rewrite anything. My name was still on the file.
I realized this 2 minutes later when she said "thanks, just sent it" and I asked her how did she manage to rewrite it so fast. apparently, she was under the impression that I had already rewritten everything for her. She cussed at me then blocked me.

Less than a week later I got an email from the faculty notifying me that I was being placed on academic probation and removed from all my courses and that an Acamedic Tribunal would evaluate my case and determine what punishment to apply. In the end I wasn't expelled, but a note about academic fraud was added to my transcript, making my degree pointless. No masters program anywhere in the world will accept such a transcript. Same with most employers. I had no choice to drop out.

I'm now starting over at a different University.
3 years of my life flushed down the drain.