Tipler Cylinder Plausability

No.13473008 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /sci/, I’m not a usual here and I’m not a very smart man but I need some help.

Theoretically instead of building an cylinder that goes on forever, could you instead build a cylinder that goes back onto itself? Like a giant doughnut if you will.

Say you built this giant doughnut, worked out how to make it spin a few billion rotations a minute, would it work the same?

Say we have this giant doughnut, we have the way to make it spin, and there’s a hatch on the outside large enough for a spaceship to get in. Once the ship goes in, the hatch closes sealing it up.

Maybe some kind of track inside of the doughnut to keep the ship on the proper trajectory and keep it from just blowing through the side since it won’t be going in a straight line but rather a circle?

Would this work the same as a typical Tipler Cylinder?