>spend money from my own pocket to pay for software
>spend months collecting data
>think about creative ways to find complementary data
>data analysis condradict my fundamentals
>lose sleep trying to find arguments to why I see these weird patterns
>get nowhere
>dont have enough money to buy more data
>cant get more data myself without spying on people
>get frustasted
>cant let go
>waste more time trying to theorize whats is happening
>lose sleep, waste time on job
Did you ever got too invested in some useless project? I've been doing this for 2 years now. Sometimes I let it go but after a while it comes back to haunt me.
>spend months collecting data
>think about creative ways to find complementary data
>data analysis condradict my fundamentals
>lose sleep trying to find arguments to why I see these weird patterns
>get nowhere
>dont have enough money to buy more data
>cant get more data myself without spying on people
>get frustasted
>cant let go
>waste more time trying to theorize whats is happening
>lose sleep, waste time on job
Did you ever got too invested in some useless project? I've been doing this for 2 years now. Sometimes I let it go but after a while it comes back to haunt me.