Maths YouTubing

No.13466723 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tbqh, I know feck all about maths but I'm thinking of making some videos anyway.
Part of the reason I'm thinking of starting a channel is to get better at maths while hopefully earning a living (3B1B calls this "Discovery Journalism" in the video bellow).
What do you guys look for in a maths channel btw? What topics do you think aren't covered well enough or at all?
What style is best? I was thinking 3B1B but his style can be a bit cold if not done correctly, is becoming a bit generic/overdone (like the khan style), it would be unoriginal if I did it, and it seems like a chore to set up (I haven't written a computer programme in some time I might add). Analogue seems like the way to go but I don't know how tbqh.
As for content, I'm personally aiming to do instructional content but I'm thinking of also doing entertainment content on subjects like the history of mathematics (inspired by Mr Brady Haran (now OAM)'s most excellent and comfiest channel, Objectivity).