>>13467226It's a cheap cope to everything the modern world has done. The very core of postmodernism that generates every high-order argument is the claim that nothing exists out of your brain. That everything is the matrix and only your senses matter. Only what you have sensed and how you have interpreted it, is what exists. This is formally called relativism. Everything is relative. You may see the color red, but I may be colorblind and see the color that you call "green". There is no true objective statement of what red is, because it is subjective. This is what postmodernism is about. Now obviously that's provably untrue because it is a specific wavelength, but I'm not going to go into details here.
So the postmodernists really *really* want to prove that the world is subjective and not objective for various reasons. It is quite literally a neo-religion, it's like these guys directly bought into the simulation hypothesis and refuse to let go (formally called Hyperreality in their framework). Every explanation to a phenomenon is met by a rejection that it can be explained at all, and that it can only be interpreted subjectively. So your argument against postmodernism? It's subjective buddy, haha tough luck pal.
The end goal is to keep reinforcing this until it's an actual religion. Every time a progressive sees a transvestite and claims that he is his ally, he is not doing that because he cares about trans issues AT ALL, he does it because if you can prove that there are infinite genders then you also prove that the genders were subjective all along - you prove the postmodernist claim that there wasn't anything objective such as men and women. You reinforce the simulation hypothesis. And these people will stop at absolutely nothing to reinforce their cult indoctrination. At this point, this is their new reality. This is the end goal and it will never stop until even science itself is completely relativistic and the concept of "true" does not exist.