>>13467431yes, you have even worse risk from a previous infection than the vaccine assuming ADE even happens in coronaviruses, which so far we've observed it doesn't (and I'd take anything (((malone))) says with a heap of salt)
>>13467597>In that one chicken virus case study, ADE turned a fairly innocuous virus into a deadly virus for all the unvaxxed chickens. What? They're not even closely related. Marek's occured in Chickens in part due to the fact that it was a herpes virus (A virus that stays with you for LIFE), the Marek's scenario people doompost about is misguided because even accounting for how Marek's was the only example of such a phenomenon happening, we have not observed that at all with human influenza, which the Covid scenario is rapidly developing into.
ADE has a lot more to do with something like Dengue, which is where it's most popularly observed. Dengue is a flavivirus with several serotypes (The variants of SARS-NCoV-2 have far less variation between them than between serotypes of Dengue) - in which ADE was observed after attempted vaccination efforts. Even then in this field, when ADE was observed, a new vaccine that targeted all four Serotypes at once was introduced, which heavily reduced occurences of it.