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Whenever we have a discussion about aliens, it always ends up being more science fiction than actually science. There's this myth that so many people believe nowadays how there's these billions of worlds for humans to just colonize when in reality 99% of space is inhabitable and extremely lethal to life.
I honestly blame the scientific community for this, they wanted to get normies interested in science by creating a lie that half true. They told normies that there's billions of "earth like" planets out there but never explaining what they mean by "earth like".
They really just mean that there's billions of planets that aren't too hot or cold. If you know anything about the history of earth, you would know that millions of things needed to go right that we can't control just for us to be here today, it wasn't just the planet temperature. It's really just a game of chance, we're alive today until our luck runs out since we don't have any real control on our lives.
I honestly blame the scientific community for this, they wanted to get normies interested in science by creating a lie that half true. They told normies that there's billions of "earth like" planets out there but never explaining what they mean by "earth like".
They really just mean that there's billions of planets that aren't too hot or cold. If you know anything about the history of earth, you would know that millions of things needed to go right that we can't control just for us to be here today, it wasn't just the planet temperature. It's really just a game of chance, we're alive today until our luck runs out since we don't have any real control on our lives.