"Long haul" Covid

No.13461088 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it even real? There is no medical proof of it's existence, just testaments from people who supposedly have it.

As a sufferer from panic disorder and hypochondria, most of the covid "Long haulers" match my symptoms perfectly. I believe that they may have developed panic disorder due to the non-covid conditions they had been subjected to while they had the virus (having to isolate from everyone, media telling them it was super deadly). It seems to me like they are suffering from panic disorder and anxiety and confusing these symptoms for some kind of "long haul" Covid.

It just doesn't make sense. If this supposed "long haul" covid existed, a doctor would be able to see evidence of the damage causing it, like they can with polio. Or that the patient is still infected with Covid, like HIV. Yet doctors aren't finding anything to explain these supposed "symptoms." This leads me to believe that the phenomena is entirely psychological.