>>13459076I agree.
We could have stayed with the entirely deterministic clockwork Universe and EVERYONE WOULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING HAPPY.
But oh no, some arsehole smarty pants had to come along with shit like time dilation, super position, wave particle duality and FUCKING SHIT like that which is HARD to conceptualize, let alone understand! FUCK! I just wanted gravity to be a FUCKING force and not some FUCKING manifestation of mass and the space-time continuum. SHIT!
Stopping with Newton would have saved us from all of that We would have been happier. More content. Shit would have been a lot easier to understand and we would probably be making a lot more babies and stuff. Way less text books to read. Sure our modern GPS's wouldn't have worked quite right but we could have invented some sort of arbitrary Universal constant to account for all of that and just put it down to God being mysterious and shit.
And we should have stopped at Protons , neutrons and electrons. Whats this quark bullshit? with all the fucking weirdo names like charm and strange. Fuck that. And who the fuck can understand string theory? I just wanted the Universe to made up of billiard balls all a happily bouncing off each other in an easy to grasp and entirely predicable manner. God. We certainly would be having a lot more sex.
AND FUCKING NUMBERS! Jesus wept. The Greeks were on the right track, they were just into geometry. The Romans numbers were sort of okay, being so retarded that at least they were impossible to get confused about. But oh no, we had to listen to the Arabs and get shit like Arabic numerals, zero, and algebra. So where did that get us? What do we have now? IRRATIONAL NUMBERS! IMAGINARY NUMBERS! QUATERIONS! DIVIDING BY ZERO! INFINITIES!!!!
FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!!!! How does any of that make any sense? No wonder our sperm count has gone down.
Its not like we are getting off this planet anyway. So all any of that shit is going to do is just make us all very miserable.